We offer expert nutrition knowledge that focuses on you as an individual, looks beyond symptoms to address root cause of your ill health and is supported by scientific research.

At Nova Nutrition we know that it is not enough to educate clients about what and how to eat. Nutritional therapy process involves change. Changing lifestyle habits that have been embedded in your daily routine for many years is not an easy task. It requires a change in your thinking and behaviour.

Nova Nutrition is committed to guiding and supporting you to make changes that will help you to achieve your wellness goal/s.

What is Your Wellness Goal?

  • Be in control of your food choices and eating habits?
  • Positively influence not just your own health but that of your whole family?
  • Make shopping, label reading and cooking easier and healthier?

  • Simply stop managing your symptoms and start focusing on the underlying causes of your ill health?
  • Restore balance and return to feeling well?
  • Live and perform at your optimum level?
  • Achieve and maintain the right weight?

How Do We Help You To Make Positive Changes?
With Nova Nutrition 6 Key Principles

Practical suggestions and guidance

Incorporating recommended foods into your current daily routine
Which products to buy (Personal Shopping Trip)
Recipes to try

Psychology of eating

Discovering what kind of eater you are
Exploring and helping you to become aware of reasons behind your food choices and eating habits

Support, motivation and encouragement

Feel supported and motivated not only during consultations - but also in-between if needed

Step by step approach at a pace that suits you

Aiming for success yet being realistic and flexible
Helping you to overcome challenges and deal with setbacks

Therapeutic partnership

Empowering you to take charge of your own healing, to participate in the development of your therapeutic plan

Professional, confidential and non-judgemental environment

Building an honest and caring client-therapist relationship
Respecting and empathising with your current eating habits, state of health and personal circumstances